Southern California Referral Agents
Become a Licensed Real Estate Referral Agent
Become a Licensed Real Estate Referral Agent
Perhaps you or someone you know would be successful in earning referral fees as a Referral Agent, but you or they are not licensed. If that is the case, please contact us. We can assist you in getting licensed. Attorneys, accountants, property managers, financial planners, teachers, tax preparers, insurance agents, stock brokers, bank officers, and other professionals can start earning referral fees by obtaining a license now.
Free Training for Referral Real Estate Agents
Sometimes licensed real estate agents become referral agents with the intention of remaining a referral agent long-term. Other referral agents intend to become a full-service real estate agent at some time in the future when the time is right for them.
If you are considering becoming a full-service agent in the future, you are invited to attend our training sessions via zoom meeting at any time. If you choose to attend our training sessions, please let us know via email and we will include you in all future sessions.
Michael T. Chulak
President - Owner
DRE No. 02178741